Front-end Developer

Well-versed in various design techniques and coding languages, striving for excellence in every project. Building user-centric experiences that combine functional design with robust technology

About Me

About Me

Hello, Lee here!

Front-End Developer / Coding Fanatic / Always Learning

Currently enrolled in Altcademy to become a Full-Stack Developer.

-Profile: Full-Stack Developer


Having explored various fields over the years, I've honed a deep passion for programming, continuous learning, and creative problem-solving. Each challenge propels me to delve into the problem, unravel its intricacies, and emerge with robust solutions. I thrive in dynamic settings and eagerly engage in new projects, particularly those fostering collaboration with innovative minds. My enthusiasm extends beyond coding to the transformative potential it holds—turning ideas into tangible solutions. This portfolio reflects my journey and the fervor with which I embrace the future.


The main area of expertise is front-end development(Client Side)

HTML, CSS, JS, building small web applications with React. A lifelong learner. I continually update my skills to stay current with the latest technologies and methodologies. I am expanding my programming knowledge by learning full-stack software engineering.

Visit my Linkedin for more details.


Apple Clone


Airbnb Clone

Get In Touch

Interested in working together? I'd love to hear from you!

Based in Texas.

Connect With Me:

Connect with me on Linkedin for a more detailed look at my journey.

Browse my GitHub to see some of the projects I've worked on.
